En tant que pionnier européen dans l’automatisation des stations-service, nous étions déjà il y a plus de 50 ans à la pointe du développement technologique. Nous le sommes restés jusqu’à ce jour grâce aux innovations, ainsi qu’au partenariat avec Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, leader européen dans les systèmes.
Engagés vers le succès, nous avons pu étendre nos services pour inclure les systèmes de parking.
Si vous avez besoin d’assistance, notre service technique est à votre disposition dans toutes les régions du pays.
Eni Allemagne fait confiance aux solutions SIQMA de Scheidt & Bachmann pour l'avenir.
29.06.2018 - Systèmes pour stations-service.
Du 15 au 17 mai, le salon international UNITI expo a eu lieu à Stuttgart. Le soir du deuxième jour de l'exposition, Scheidt & Bachmann a convié à sa Scheidt & Bachmann NIGHT. La courte interview de Marc Dusel, Head of Commercial, Eni Germany par Jörg M. Heilingbrunner, Managing Director, Systems for petrol stations de Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH et a été un des moments marquants de la soirée.
Our customers are safe!
21.12.2021 - SCHENK Systeme AG
The entervo software is not affected by the lately identified security vulnerability “log4j” or - in a few very specific cases - has already been investigated and provided with updates. You do not have to take any action and can use your systems as usual.
Currently, the recently discovered "log4j" security vulnerability in a widely used software library is keeping global IT specialists busy. Our experts are also continuously evaluating our customers' systems with the highest priority.
The corresponding library is used only in a very specific system configuration in a few projects. These customers were informed immediately, and the security vulnerability was fixed. For the best possible security we will perform further tests. If our experts encounter any issues, we will inform affected customers immediately and fix the problem with highest priority.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
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